Friday, March 10, 2006

Children's work

Some latest highlights in the children's ministry.
This is taken in Aste village, bringing the Gospel there with Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes

The children there were really listening, doesn't happen in the cities.

There were a little over 40 children

This is in our church, kids looking for hidden treasures :)

These are kids from one of the biggest schools in Saaremaa, the elementary level, all together close to 200 kids heard the gospel and received a present

That's a holiday children's program in January

In my office

1 comment:

The Wittenbergs in Rovaniemi Finland said...

Tiina, What great pictures!! We are very proud of you!! How much we miss Estonia...because of the PEOPLE. We pray for our adopted country every day....perhaps someday He will allow us to return! Keep up the good work! Phil and Susan